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Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Coffee and Registration


Institutional Greetings

Sabina Langer, Evi Agostini, Denis Francesconi, Nazario Zambaldi – Framing PEA conference



Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, I) – The art of peace



PANEL A (in German) 16-18.30

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Chair: Evi Agostini

Theresa Hauck (University of Vienna, A) – Playing together in spaces between good and evil. What is revealed and what is seen

Sonja Wodnek (University College of Teacher Education KPH Vienna/Krem, A) – The language of pictures. Learning development conversations seen through the lens of children's drawings

Stephanie Mian & Petra Auer (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, I) – Sensitising Perception, Recognising, and Acknowledging Multiplicity. Foundations for Sustainable and Peaceful Togetherness

Tamara Peer, Sandra Matschnigg-Peer & Nazime Öztürk (University of Vienna, A) – Peace Education in the Context of the Bildungsrätzl Initiative in Vienna

Volker Kress (TU Dresden, D) – Future Ambassadors


PANEL B (in English) 16-17.30

Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Chair: Denis Francesconi

Daniela Lehner (University of Graz, A) – Towards Imaginations and Utopias of Peace. Pedagogies of Hope, Resistance and Care

Giulia Levi (University of Derby, UK) – Positive role-models in peace education. Reflections from the work of Anna Bravo

Inge Zwart (Global Campus of Human Rights) – Hope as a critical tool to study human rights at graduate level


PANEL C (in Italian) 16-17.30

Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Chair: Nazario Zambaldi

Nicoletta Ferri & Maddalena Sottocorno (University of Milano-Bicocca, I) – A virtual educational mediator to promote sustainability

Chiara Urbani (University of Trieste, I) & Andrea Guaran (University of Udine, I) – On the door approach: findings from Dolomiti-Unesco project

Francesca Rota (University of Milan-Bicocca, I) – Promoting a culture of sustainability: first reflections from a research project with some educational services for childhood and preschools in Milan


WORKSHOP A (in English/German/Italian) 17.30-18.30

Centre for culture, Cavour Street 1

Chair: Sabina Langer

Martina Janßen (University of Erfurt, D), Philip Bunk (University of Erfurt, D) & Ismail Karayakupoglu (artist) - Peace between doors. What does sustainable peace need from us humans?


Centre for culture, Cavour Street 1

Elisa Caneve - MEDITERRANEA. Saving Humans, peace workers in Ukraine and Palestine



Centre for culture, Cavour Street 1



Ateliersì WE DID IT! 
Centre for culture Cavour Street 1.

A theatrical project in partnership with Teatro Pratiko and Liceo Pascoli Bolzano – ranked first classification in "TOCC Eco dello spettacolo dal vivo" of the MIC (Ministry of Culture), is presented by Andrea Mochi Sismondi of Ateliersi Bologna.





Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Elena Monicelli (Scuola di Pace Monte Sole, I) - Places of memory, places for (peace) education?


Coffee break in the garden

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1




PANEL D (in English) 10.30-12.30

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Chair: Denis Francesconi

Ursula Maurič (Vienna University College of Teacher Education, A) & Anja Thielmann (Styrian University College of Teacher Education, A) - Ecology of multilingual knowledges as a basis for peaceful coexistence. How p4c can contribute to this

Jeanette Hoffmann, Maria Teresa Trisciuzzi, Ruth Videsott, Elisabeth von Leon (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, I) - Imagining peace with picturebooks in multilingual and intercultural contexts

Berit Bareksten (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, NO) – “The fjord is not ours” – activist artwork urging for peace and sustainability

Barbara Gamper (artist, Berlin, D) – Pedagogy in process. Peace-making through mycelial methodologies


PANEL E (in Italian) 10.30-12.30

Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Chair: Nazario Zambaldi

Guglielmo Pezzillo (University Niccolò Cusano, I) – Nonviolent communication for active conflict resolution

Greta Persico (University of Milan-Bicocca, I) – Biodiversity education. About a method, a toolkit and new challenges for restoring connections of peace

Giulia Schiavone (University of Milan-Bicocca, I) – Practising Openness. For a shared, possible and sustainable school 

Renato Verrua (Centro Studi Podresca, I) – The human pathway

Convivial Lunch & “Chatting”

In the garden, Academy of Italian-German Studies, Villa San Marco Innerhofer Street 1



PANEL F (in English) 14.30-16.00

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Chair: Denis Francesconi

Brigitta Pia Alioto (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, I)  - Gamification and peace: workplaces training as a guidance for the future

Sibilla Montanari (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, I) - Convivialism and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence: integrating humans and non-humans within socio-ecological systems in the Anthropocene

Luana Silveri (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, I) - Game-Based Education as an Approach to Peace Education. How board games can contribute to developing ethical skills in formal education


WORKSHOP B (in Italian) 14.30-15.30

Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Chair: Sabina Langer

Las Medusas (Saviore dell'Adamello, I) – Uncomfortable


WORKSHOP C (in German) 15.45-16.45

Chair: Evi Agostini

Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Ulrike Barth & Angelika Wiehl (Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, A) - Building peace instead of applying power-dominated pedagogical practices. Perceptual vignettes as a tool for peace ethics reflection 



Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Pat Patfoort (De Vuurbloem, Center for Nonviolent Conflict Management, Bruges, B) – But how can we, for goodness sake, build Peace in the middle of all those wars?


Convivial Dinner in the Garden

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1






PANEL G (in Italian) 9-10.30

Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Chair: Nazario Zambaldi, Sabina Langer

Lavinia Bianchi & Veronica Riccardi (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, I) – Alexander Langer: a co-research from a pedagogical perspective

Anna Rutigliano (University of Foggia, I) – Social prescribing: an art and nature-based strategy for individual and community well-being

Cinzia Zadra (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, I) – Peace Education Through Transcultural Narratives. Lessons from Post-Yugoslav Female Writers


WORKSHOP D (in German, with English translation) 9-10

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Chair: Evi Agostini

Beate Weyland & Simona Galateo (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, I) – SOS EDEN. Peace territories between nature and culture


WORKSHOP E (in English) 10-11

Academy of Italian-German Studies, Innerhofer Street 1

Chair: Denis Francesconi

KEATS (Milan, I) – A PLACE TO BE. The art of living together in desirable cities


Centre for Culture, Cavour Street 1

Giulia Cantaluppi (Temporiuso, Milan)Bricks to build peace education. Let's take notes together for a Manifesto

Convivial Aperitif & “Let’s Stay in Touch”

Hannes Egger created "Questions for Peace", the installation at the Academy of Italian-German Studies, in a workshop with high school students. 
Carla Cardinaletti installed her work "In love we trust" at the Centre for Culture.
Ateliersi (Fiorenza Menni and Andrea Mochi Sismondi) presents a preview of the project "We did it!" playing on the interference between actual events, feasible possibilities and experiences that were only conceivable until now: the show will become a hypothetical documentary to crumble the TINA (There Is No Alternative) Paradigm by sharing scenarios in which people have developed more harmonious relationships with each other and with others entities that live on the planet.
Sara Fabbri (art director of Linus magazine, cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer) will participate in the conference, follow people, places, and discussions, translating our gathering into a visual diary, exploring every aspect of PEA.

Elisabetta Lippolis (vice-president of IBBY Italy) was invited on 28 June 2024 to present Jella Lepman's book ‘A Bridge of Children's Books’ as starting point to talk about this pacifist woman, books and peace and also launch the 39th IBBY Congress in Trieste.
Cesare Moreno (president of Maestri di Strada in Naples) was invited on 19 June 2024 to present the new edition Insegnare al principe di Danimarca (Teaching the Prince of Denmark), the collection of Carla Melazzini's writings, edited by him.
Gianpaolo Chiriacò (ethnomusicologist from the University of Innsbruck), connected from Addis Ababa, spoke to us about his research in his report "Listening to Colonialism: arts-based research as decolonial practice"
Elisa Caneve (teacher at italian high school and activist of the NGO Mediterranea Saving Humans) tells us about the action of the "ground crew" in Ukraine and Palestine.

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