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learning is the focus of the conference, especially education in its inclusive, empowering and developmental sense
ecological thinking – linking experiences, lives and systems
(places, institutions, classrooms…) – underlies the organisation
of education in a systemic perspective
a qualitative enquiry that incorporates artistic processes and experiential dimensions as well as creativity into the approach is preferred to understand and articulate the inter-subjectivity of human experience
PEA's main site is Villa San Marco in Innerhofer Street 1 in Merano where the Academy of Italian-German Studies has been based since 1949 and the EUPHUR Euregio Platform on Human Dignity and Human Rights since 2016. Another venue for workshops and events is the nearby Centre for culture in Cavour Street 1 where CRAT Centre for Research in Arts and Theater since 2010 is based with the cultural association TEATRO PRATIKO founded in 2000.
+39 329 6768999

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